
In order to properly understand the principles of electricity, it is necessary to study magnetism and the effects on electrical equipment.

Magnetism and electricity are so closely related that the study of either subject would be incomplete without at least a basic knowledge of the other.

Much of today’s modern electrical and electronic equipment could not function without it. Modern computers, tape recorders, and video reproduction equipment use this on tape. High-fidelity speakers use it to convert amplifier outputs into audible sound. Electrical motors use it to convert electrical energy into mechanical motion, and generators use it to convert mechanical motion into electrical energy.

Here you can see how this adductive condition affects the metal around it.

Affect on metal.

Without adductive properties of this type it would be virtually impossible for modern electrical and electronic equipment to function.

Attraction of metals to other materials is generally defined as that property of a material which enables it to attract pieces of iron. A material possessing this property is known as a "MAGNET".

The word originated with the ancient Greeks, who found stones possessing this characteristic.

Materials that have this drawing power, such as iron, steel, nickel, and cobalt, have the ability to attract a charge. These are called adductive materials.

The most important group of materials connected with electricity and electronics are the ferro-magnetic materials.

These types of materials are those which are relatively easy to make adductive, such as iron, steel, cobalt, and the alloys Alnico and Permalloy. (An alloy is made from combining two or more elements, one of which must be a metal).

These new alloys can be very strongly adductive, and are capable of obtaining an attraction strength great enough to lift 500 times their own weight.

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