Amplifier Coupling

The process of transferring energy between circuits is known as AMPLIFIER COUPLING .

Whether an amplifier is one of a series in a device or a single stage connected between two other devices, there must be some way for the signal to enter and leave the amplifier.

There are various ways of coupling signals into and out of amplifier circuits. These other methods of coupling will be discussed in subsequent tutorials on amplifier coupling.

Many electronic devices contain several stages of amplification and therefore several amplifiers. Almost every electronic device contains at least one stage of amplification.

Stages of amplification are added when a single stage will not provide the required amount of amplification.

For example, if a single stage of amplification will provide a maximum gain of 100 and the desired gain from the device is 1000, two stages of amplification will be required.

The two stages might have gains of 10 and 100, 20 and 50, or 25 and 40. (The overall gain is the product of the individualstages-10 × 100 = 20 × 50 = 25 × 40 = 1000.)

The illustration shows the effect of adding stages of amplification. As stages of amplification are added, the signal increases and the final output (from the speaker) is increased.

Simple amplifier showing multiple stages of amplifier-coupling

You can also refer to this coupling as direct coupled, also known as "DC amp", refers to a type of amplifier. In this type of amplifier, the output of one stage of the amplifier is connected to the input of the next stage directly without using any reactive components like capacitors, inductors, transformers, and others. As a result, the frequency response of this amplifier is quite flat all the way down to DC (0 Hz).

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